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Monday, December 27, 2010


It's been a really long time since I have written on this thing!
anyways! Japan is still going really awesome! I'm starting to go a little crazy though, because I cant find a job,and I do not have a hobby. Which, I really really need to do! my goal for the new year, is to have abs by summer time, so i guess the gym can be my hobby. ha ha

In a couple of hours, it will be Ben and I's, one year anniversary! I canNOT believe how fast the time has gone, but I'm so excited about it. I love everyday i am with him, it just continues to get better and better. I am truly so so lucky!

this is the first night we ever met..

we met in Gainseville Fl. because it was the city riiight in the middle of where i was, and where he was. soi t was fare that we both drove an equal distance. we met at the mall, and it was all uphill from there! when we first met, he grabbed me and kissed me. then we just walked around the mall holding hands and acting like we've met a million times before. i loved it, and I've never stopped feeling the way i did that night. we sat in my car after the mall closed, just kissed, A LOT. he he.
& then just snuggled. (yes, in the car, we squished into one seat and layed there together) until like 2am. then i had to be up at 5 to go to work. so i slept like an hour because it took 2 hours to get home. i would do it all over again though! then every weekend after that we we're with each other. every chance we got !!

this is us now...

::sigh:: i love him. lol

ok, im all done being mushy. ill try to post a lot more often. I keep forgetting & if you read this, let me know.. because I feel like its pointless to write, and no one reads it. bc i already know this stuff. no reason for me to write to myself.

kthanksbye :)