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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Keeping busy :)


So I think I have been doing a pretty good job at keeping myself busy. I mean it's only been 3 days, but still. Lol

I'm reading this book.

And I love it. I have like 50 more pages and it's hilarious. I love her. I feel like I need to hurry through all her books so I can get to the next one! Lol reading has become a fun hobby of mine.. I used to hate it, but I think that's because while I was in school I was forced to read so many boring books that I just had no interest in any books at all!

I got to skype with Ben last night right before I went to sleep. It was a VERY nice surprise!!

Although it hasn't hit me that he is gone, it was still really great to see his face and hear his voice at the same time. If only there was such a thing as kiss cam!!! Hahaha

Today, I went and hung out with my friend Wendy and her daughter Melody, we went to a few places on base just to pass the time. It was nice getting out of the house!!

This is melody, isn't she the cutest thing ever? I love her like she was my own!! well, maybe. I don't really know what loving my own child is like... Well because I don't have one. Lol even though I treat this

Little girl like she is a human. I swear I do.. It's really kind of sad. But we saved her life, and now I feel like in a way, she is saving mine. Now that I don't have Ben to come home too.. She always meets me at the door welcoming me home as if she thought I was never coming back, and as if I was interested in chewing some of her bone. Crazy thing. She cuddles with me everytime were in bed. And is in the bathroom with me when I take a shower.. I could go on forever, if you don't get what I'm saying by now... Idk what else to tell you. Anyways, what I'm saying, is she makes it not so lonely, she helps me feel more at home here, and makes me feel not so alone.

Sooo none the less. I miss Ben sooo so much, but I'm doing okay. When it hits me that he isn't coming home for a long time, I'll tell you then how I'm doing. Thanks for all the support from my family and friends and everyone who has been there for me through this crazy time. Love you all!!!

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